Friday, December 12, 2008

Week #13 Checkup

This post is behind schedule, mostly due to my sudden and somewhat embarrassing obsession with the Twilight books, about which most of my immediate friends and family will have already heard more than they care to. I hope to finish the stupid things this weekend so I can return to my life.

Jenna is indestructible, as always. We didn't have to do chemo this week - the lymph nodes have not come up at all, so it was a false alarm! Hooray! And in the spirit of Christmas, the vet gave us a freebie this week. I think we owe that largely to Jenna, who is a model patient and seems to be a huge favourite with the vets and clinic staff.


HandH said...

That's a great result. And thanks for the book recommendation too - if it's something that takes you right out of day-to-day life, it's got to be good!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure Jenna isn't bionic?

Great news regarding the nodes, as well as the free chemo.

Cheryl said...

Democratic Republic of the Crisper - I know who you are, even though you keep changing your ID. Yes, she is bionic. Or maybe she's part VAMPIRE! Hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Great news for Jenna!! Super dog, Jennnnnnnaaaaaaaaa!

I've read the first three in the Twilight series and am on the holds list at the library for #4. They are addictive!!

Take care and happy holidays!